
Defines functions is_leap_year

Documented in is_leap_year

#' Determine if a year is a leap year
#' Used to determine if each element in a vector of years is a leap year.
#' @param date a numeric vector of length >= 1 containing the years to test
#' @return a logical vector indicating whether each year is a leap year (\code{TRUE} if so, \code{FALSE} if not).
#' @details a year is considered a leap year if it is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100.
#'   The exception is years that are divisible by 400 are also considered leap years.
#' @examples
#' is_leap_year(2016:2020)
#' @export

is_leap_year = function(year) {
  # determine if the year is divisible by each number
  d4 = year %% 4 == 0
  d100 = year %% 100 == 0
  d400 = year %% 400 == 0

  out = logical(length(year))
  for (i in 1:length(year)) {
    if (d4[i]) {
      if (d100[i] & !d400[i]) {
        out[i] = FALSE
      } else {
        out[i] = TRUE
    } else {
      out[i] = FALSE

bstaton1/StatonMisc documentation built on May 18, 2020, 12:06 a.m.