
Defines functions sc_year

Documented in sc_year

#' Select scorecard data year.
#' This function is used to select the year of the data.
#' @param sccall Current list of parameters carried forward from prior
#'     functions in the chain (ignore)
#' @param year Four-digit year or string \code{latest} for latest data.
#' @section Important notes:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Not all variables have a year option.
#' \item At this time, only one year at a time is allowed.
#' \item The year selected is not necessarily the year the data were produced.
#' It may be the year the data were collected. For data collected over split
#' years (fall to spring), it is likely the year represents the fall data (\emph{e.g.,}
#' 2011 for 2011/2012 data).
#' }
#' Be sure to check with the College Scorecard
#' \href{https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/data-documentation/}{data
#' documentation report} when choosing the year.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_year() # latest
#' sc_year("latest")
#' sc_year(2012)
#' }

#' @export
sc_year <- function(sccall, year) {
    ## check first argument

    ## check second argument
    if (missing(year)
        || (!is.character(year) && !is.numeric(year))
        || (is.character(year) && tolower(year) != "latest")
        || (is.numeric(year) && (year < 1900 || year > 2099))) {
      stop("Must provide a 4-digit year in 1900s or 2000s or use the ",
           "string \"latest\".", call. = FALSE)

    ## get vars
    sccall[["year"]] <- ifelse(is.character(year), tolower(year), year)
btskinner/rscorecard documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 12:56 p.m.