Man pages for btupper/fishboxes

decode_4Given a 4 digit code, retrieve the bounding coordinates or...
decode_5Given a 5 digit code, retrieve the bounding coordinates or...
decode_6Given a 6 digit code, retrieve the bounding coordinates or...
decode_idGiven a 4, 5 or 6 digit code, retrieve the bounding...
decode_polygonsRetrieve Polygons class objects derived from 4, 5 or 6 digit...
download_nefsc_gisRetreive one or more shape files from NMFS's NEFSC public GIS...
quadmGiven a quadrisphere code, retrieve the multipliers for lat...
show_fishboxesA toy example that shows the boxes within the One Degree...
btupper/fishboxes documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 5:13 p.m.