Man pages for btupper/nearth
Easy Navigation Of Natural Earth Data Stored Locally

bbox_to_matrixConvert a 4-element bbox vector to a matrix of two columns (x...
bbox_to_SpatialPolygonsConvert a 4-element bbox vector to a SpatialPolygons object
bbox_to_SpatialPolygonsDataFrameConvert a 4-element bbox vector to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame...
find_nearth_rastersFind the full path for a raster dataset
find_nearth_vectorsFind the full path for a vector dataset
has_nearthTest for the existence of a Natural Earth path in R's...
nearth-packagenearth: Natural Earth local data access
nearth_pathRetrieve the Natural Earth path
read_nearthRead one or more Natural Earth data files.
read_nearth_rasterRead one raster data set using 'raster::raster()',...
read_nearth_vectorRead one vector data set using 'rgdal::readOGR()'
strip_extensionStrip the extension (e.g. ".ext") off one or more filenames
btupper/nearth documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:42 a.m.