warn_now: Immediately output warning conditions

warn_nowR Documentation

Immediately output warning conditions


The function base::warning lets you immediately output warnings with immediate.=TRUE, but not if the input is already a condition object (weird, I know). This function is a modified Frankenstein mashup of warning and message that will immediately output warnings regardless of their input form.


warn_now(..., call. = TRUE, noBreaks. = FALSE, domain = NULL)



zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together with no separator) or a single condition object.


logical, indicating if the call should become part of the warning message.


logical, indicating as far as possible the message should be output as a single line when options(warn = 1).


see gettext. If NA, messages will not be translated, see also the note in stop.

burchill/cs documentation built on May 28, 2023, 1:29 p.m.