msa.nominal.concordance: Perform Study of Nominal Scale Agreement/Concordance With or...

View source: R/msa.nominal.concordance.R

msa.nominal.concordanceR Documentation

Perform Study of Nominal Scale Agreement/Concordance With or Without Standard


Evaluate one or more rater's agreement for a set of subjects with or without a "standard" or "true" value. This is sometimes called a nominal gage study or a study of interrater agreement. Note that all input vectors should be ordered by parts/subjects (i.e 1st value in rater 1's vector is first part, 2nd value in rater 2's vector is 2nd part, 3rd value in standard is 3rd part, etc.)


msa.nominal.concordance(..., standard = NA, conf.level = 0.95)



Vectors - character or factor - One or more rater's evaluations of subjects


Vector - character or factor - the "standard" or "true" measurement


Confidence level to use for the statistical tests


A data structure including all of the details of the tests between operators/standard. Use summary() to summarize results.

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