unitconversion.acre.to.square.yard: Unit Conversion - Area - Acre to Square Yard

View source: R/unitconversion.acre.to.square.yard.R

unitconversion.acre.to.square.yardR Documentation

Unit Conversion - Area - Acre to Square Yard


Performs a conversion of areas from acres to square yards. Note, per NIST standard, this is a "survey foot" instead of an "international foot" as is commonly used. In 2022, this will likely become the "international foot." For most purposes, either survey feet or international feet may be used, but very large areas being calculated will have an error of roughly a quarter sheet of paper (A4 or letter) per acre (2/1 000 000 difference between survey feet and international feet).


unitconversion.acre.to.square.yard(x = 1)

unitconversion.ac.to.sq.yd(x = 1)



Vector - Values in units of acres


x, but converted to square yards


NIST. Handbook 133 - Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods - Appendix E - General Tables of Units of Measurement. 2020. https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2019/12/03/00-20-h133-apdxE_final-17.pdf

burrm/lolcat documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 6:16 p.m.