ccber: an R Package for the Estimation of Behavioral Entropy Rate - Developed for the Conte Center @ UCI

See reference: Davis, E.P., Stout, S.A., Molet, J., Vegetabile, B., Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A., Heins, K., Stern, H., Baram, T.Z. (2017). Exposure to unpredictable maternal sensory signals influences cognitive development across-species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. September 26, 2017. 114 (39) 10390-10395

Installing ccber

The package devtools is required to install this R package from this Github repository. Install this package first if it is not already installed.

install.packages('devtools', dependencies = TRUE)

Once that package has been installed, use the following to install ccber


Load the package to begin analysis!


Quick Start

Download files from

Screenshot of the download location for"

Navigate to the directory where the files are located using the following R command. The setwd command sets the working directory for R. ( Note in the below, the path should be changed to the location of where the files have been uncompressed )


Then run the following,

test_output <- ccber::ber_analyze_dir('.')

By setting the working directory in the first step, any output files will be put in the directory specified.

If successful, you fill will see the following:

> ccber::ber_analyze_dir('.')
Completed without issue    :  Entropy_6m - 88888HE - Event Logs.xlsx
Completed without issue    :  Entropy_6m - 99999LE - Event Logs.xlsx
Script total run time:  0.013 minutes
-------------------- Check the log for files below --------------------

The object test_output contains the entropy rates and some additional measures. The output will look as follows:

> test_output
  SubjectID CanEstimateEntropy EntropyRate
1   88888HE               TRUE   1.2755499
2   99999LE               TRUE   0.6442886
  TotalNumberOfTransitions CombinedVideoDuration PercentMissing
1                      119               600.027              0
2                       69               600.027              0
  AuditoryCounts AuditoryTotalTime AuditoryAverageTime
1             23            25.001               1.087
2             15            15.000               1.000
  VisualCounts VisualTotalTime VisualAverageTime TactileCounts
1           16        309.9636          19.37273            21
2           11        185.0270          16.82064            10
  TactileTotalTime TactileAverageTime
1         362.9628           17.28394
2         285.0273           28.50273

To save the output data to a .csv file to be read into excel later, use the following:

          file = file = paste(Sys.Date(), 
          row.names = F)

The command Sys.Date() prepends the date to document when the data was created

Using ccber with Observer Files

To use ccber to estimate behavioral entropy rate, see the Conte Center website for a description of how to set up files and record observations. The input files for these functions are described there...

Running a single file

To run ccber with a single file use the following function

                 tactile_padding = 1.0,
                 auditory_padding = 1.0,
                   "mom_auditory_types" = c('Vocal'),
                   "mom_tactile_types" = c('TouchBaby',
                   "mom_visual_types" = c('ManipulatingObject'),
                   "baby_visual_types" = c('LookAtMomActivity'),
                   "missing_types" = c('CantTellHolding',
                 missing_threshold = 0.1)

The variables are described below:

Running on a Directory of Files

To expedite processing of many files an additionally function is provided to analyze an entire directory of Excel files. The function ber_analyze_dir is similar to the previous function and takes as input dir_loc.

                tactile_padding = 1.0,
                auditory_padding = 1.0,
                  "mom_auditory_types" = c('Vocal'),
                  "mom_tactile_types" = c('TouchBaby',
                  "mom_visual_types" = c('ManipulatingObject'),
                  "baby_visual_types" = c('LookAtMomActivity'),
                  "missing_types" = c('CantTellHolding',
                missing_threshold = 0.1,
                log_file = paste(Sys.Date(), '-ber-logfile.txt', sep=''))

The inputs that are described in the previous section are mostly same and are passed as input to multiple calls of ber_analyze_file.

For a more detailed overview see the software description document in within the SDD folder

An Example of How to Estimate Entropy Rate using ccber

Consider the following transition matrix of a first-order Markov chain with three states,

P = matrix(c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 
             0.7, 0.1, 0.2,
             0.2, 0.2, 0.6), 3,3, byrow = T)

We can simulate from a Markov process with this using the function SimulateMarkovChain

mc_chain <- SimulateMarkovChain(trans_mat = P, n_sims = 5000)
head(mc_chain, n = 20)

##  [1] 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1

From this we can calculate a matrix of transition counts

tc <- CalcTransitionCounts(mc_chain)

##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]  319  433  782
## [2,]  731   96  210
## [3,]  483  508 1437

And then estimate a transition matrix,

tm <- CalcTransitionMatrix(tc)

##           [,1]       [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 0.2079531 0.28226858 0.5097784
## [2,] 0.7049180 0.09257473 0.2025072
## [3,] 0.1989292 0.20922570 0.5918451

which agrees fairly well with the true P. Additionally we can estimate the stationary distribution of the process in a one of two ways. The first way is an empirical estimate from the observed sequence.

emp_sm <- CalcEmpiricalStationary(mc_chain, state_space = 1:3)

##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]
## [1,] 0.3068 0.2074 0.4858

The second way is an eigendecomposition of the observed transition matrix, though the preferred method is through the empirical estimation procedure.

eig_sm <- CalcEigenStationary(tm)

## [1] 0.3066525 0.2074278 0.4859196

Using both the stationary distribution estimate and the estimate of the transition matrix, the entropy rate of the process can be estimated using the following commands

entrate1 <- CalcMarkovEntropyRate(tm, emp_sm)

## [1] 1.36315

entrate2 <- CalcMarkovEntropyRate(tm, eig_sm)

## [1] 1.363128

Both of these values agree very well with the true entropy rate,

true_entropy_rate <- CalcMarkovEntropyRate(P, CalcEigenStationary(P))

## [1] 1.360979

There's a Quicker Way Than That...

If the method of estimation for the stationary distrbution is known, a more simple function is provided to estimate the entropy rate as well.

Both of these values agree very well with the true entropy rate,

quicker_estimate <- CalcEntropyRate(mc_chain, 
                                    state_space = 1:3, 
                                    stat_method = "Empirical")

## [1] 1.36315

bvegetabile/ccber documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:15 p.m.