Man pages for bvegetabile/ccber
Estimation of Behavioral Entropy Rate

ber_analyze_dirEstimate Behavioral Entropy Rate based upon Video Data Files...
ber_analyze_fileEstimate Behavioral Entropy Rate based upon Video Data
CalcEigenStationaryCalculate the Stationary Distribution of a First-Order Markov...
CalcEmpiricalStationaryCalculation of the Empirical Stationary Distribution from an...
CalcEmpStat_Mth_OrderCalculation of the Empirical Stationary Distribution from an...
CalcEntropyRateCalculate the Entropy Rate of a Finite Markov Chain
CalcMarkovEntropyRateCalculate an estimate of the Entropy Rate of a finite Markov...
CalcTC_Mth_OrderCompute a Matrix of Transition Counts from an Observed...
CalcTransitionCountsCompute a Matrix of Transition Counts from an Observed...
CalcTransitionMatrixCalculate the Transition Matrix of a First-Order Markov Chain
ccberccber: A package for estimating behavioral entropy rate from...
SimulateMarkovChainSimulate a Markov Chain Given a Transition Matrix
bvegetabile/ccber documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:15 p.m.