KNMIr-package - R functions for retrieving climate data from the Dutch meteorological institute KNMI.


This package provides functions to retrieve climate data (up to 'yesterday') for the offical KNMI weather stations from the official Dutch meteorological institute (KNMI). In addition, a six day forecast can be retrieved from the KNMI-website and a 14-day forecast from the Weerplaza-website. The data-set contains multiple variables. For some stations, data goes back to 1900.

The data can be subsetted based on year and/or specified variables. The returned data is converted to SI-units, when necessary. Several additional functions are available for plotting the locations of the weather stations and a meteogram.

The package also contains two KNMI data-sets, one with metadata for the measurement stations, both on land and at sea, and the other with a reference set of long-term averages over the period 1999-2014. In addition there is a data-set that can be used to convert wind-scales. Finally there is a map of The Netherlands.


See the package vignette for some examples. The vignette can be viewed from R/Rstudio with


More information can be found in the package documentation.

bvhest/KNMIr documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 5:25 p.m.