Man pages for bvnlab/SCATTome

accComputes prediction accurcy on test sample from the train...
checkDataChecks consistence of data and corrects for missingness. Maps...
ExcludeCellsExcludes unusable cells.
ExcludeDataExclude rows.
ExcludeGenesExcludes genes.
FeatureSelectionSelects important genes.
FeatureSelectionLassoLASSO feature selection.
FluidGMGenesGene selection using Random Forest only.
FluidigmDataConversionCorrect orientation of data for model analysis.
MultImputeMultiple Imputation.
PredictEnsembleEnsemble generation function.
ScaleCenterTestSclae and Center data.
ScaleCenterTrainScale center train set.
test1Test set 1.
test2Test set 2.
TrainSample train data.
TrainROCGenerates ROC from train and test sets.
bvnlab/SCATTome documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:05 a.m.