Man pages for bwlewis/iqfeed
IQFeed client for R

CEORetrieve an equity options symbol chain.
crapmodSimple xts plot
HDXRetrieves daily historic bars for a given number of days, for...
HITRetrieves historic interval bars within a given time interval...
HTTRetrieves historic quotes within a given time interval for...
iqConfConfigure IQFeed connection
iqfeed-internalInternal iqfeed objects
iqfeed-packageAn R interface to DTN IQFeed.
iqQuoteQuick and dirty real time quote
osiConvert from IQFeed to OSI standard option symbol
osi2iqConvert from an OSI standard symbol to the IQFeed symbol...
bwlewis/iqfeed documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:06 a.m.