Man pages for bwrc/corecluster-r
Core clustering of datasets.

calculate_stats_lightCalculate statistics for a core clustering experiment
clusterfunc_rfCluster (classify) a dataset x into its constituent clusters...
clusterfunc_svmCluster (classify) a dataset x into its constituent clusters...
cluster_hclustReturn cluster indices using hierarchical clustering.
cluster_kmeansppReturn cluster indices using kmeans++.
clusters_from_cliquesGet the clusters from the cliques
cluster_tclustCluster a dataset x into k clusters using tclust
cluster_tkmeansCluster a dataset x into k clusters using tkmeans
confusion_matrix_to_latexGiven a list of algorithm names and two lists with results,...
co_occurrenceA helper function for that determines if two data items x1...
co_occurrence_prob_allEstimate all co-occurence probabilities Pij using bootstrap...
co_occurrence_prob_single_parallelEstimate co-occurence probability Pij of two data items x1...
core_clusteringCore clustering.
dataset_specsGet the specifications of a dataset
find_core_clustersDetermine the core clusters
find_largest_cliqueFind the largest clique in the graph g
fix_alg_nameFix the names of clustering algorithms
fix_clustersMatch clusterings given a template using the Hungarian...
get_agreementGet the running time of a core clustering experiment
get_confusion_matrixMake a confusion matrix of the core clustering agreement for...
get_data_kddLoad the KDD Cup 1999 dataset
get_dataset_syntheticGet the synthetic dataset
get_data_syntheticGet synthetic data
get_reslistRead results from experiments and return them as a list
get_running_timeGet the running time of a core clustering experiment
get_symbol_vectorGet a list of symbols given the clusters.
kmeansppK-means++ algorithm.
kmeansppcentersFind initial kmeans++ centroids.
kmeansppnRun the k-means++ algorithm n times and return the solution...
load_kdd_cup_1999_dataLoad the KDD Cup 1999 dataset
make_cfmat_stringHelper function to generate a string for a results table
make_experimentRun a core clustering experiment on a dataset.
match_clustersMatch two clusterings using the Hungarian algorithm.
match_clusters_coreMatch core clusterings using the Hungarian algorithm.
plot_and_save_reslistPlot (and optionally save) a list of result structures, one...
plot_dataPlot the data
plot_reslistPlot (and optionally save) a list of result structures,...
plot_resultPlot (and optionally save) a result structure
purityCalculate the purity of a clustering
read_resRead a result structure from core clustering
read_resultRead results from core clustering experiments stored in rds...
read_result_setRead results from a filename and return the results as a...
read_uci_datasetRead UCI datasets
res_to_matCreate a matrix of results given a result structure.
special_tableCreate a results table in latex format given the name of a...
bwrc/corecluster-r documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:12 a.m.