Man pages for byapparov/recommender
Provides functions for collaborative filtering

adjustSimMatrixA function that applies a weighting factor to the columns of...
calculateConnectionMatrixCalculates for each UID the connection as a list of two...
combineSimilarityCombined similarity to given products
connectionsToCountsCalculates the connections matrix given the pair of orders
connectOrderMappingThe function that drills in each order and associates the...
cosineCppCalculates cosine similarity matrix for a given matix
cosineMatrixCosine similarity transformation for product hits
excludeSameFilter out products that were seen by visitor
expandHitsExpand visitor product hits data to dataset for prediction
getComplimentaryProductsFunction to return complimentary product recommendations
getNextOrderTopTypesThe function that return the n nearest types to the given...
getProductGroupAffinitiesGiven a list of transactions the post order affinity table is...
keepOnePerGroupGets top value per group
makeRecommendationsFilterCreate filter function to reduce number of recommendations to...
notInWhichCreates permutation index for exclusion of values
recommendComplimentaryProductsRecommend products in item-to-item scenario
recommendSimilarRecommends products similar to given products
recommendSimilarProductsRecommend similar products to visitors based on product...
similarityMakes similarity score predictions based on the...
similarity.predictorPredicts similarity score for new product hits data
similarityRecommenderFactory for the similarity recommendation model
similarity.recommender-classS4 class that represents similar products recommendation...
simplify.transactionsSimplify two vector lists
userProductHitsToMatrixTurns interactions data table into a matrix
byapparov/recommender documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:54 a.m.