Man pages for byzheng/ncdf4cf
Unidata NetCDF with CF Conventions

cfarr_ncConvert an array into a new netCDF file on disk, given the...
cf_closeClose a nc file
cf_createCreates a new netCDF file on disk, given the variables the...
cfdim_defDefines a netCDF dimension
cfdim_namesGet all dimension names for a variable
cf_openOpens an existing netCDF file for reading (or, optionally,...
cfvar_defDefines a netCDF variable
cfvar_getGet varibles values from nc file
cfvar_lablesGet labels for all dimensions
cfvar_lblGet all labels for dimension
cfvar_namesGet all variable names from nc file
byzheng/ncdf4cf documentation built on Oct. 25, 2021, 2:12 a.m.