Man pages for byzheng/rproject
Project managers for R

project_filepathConstruct the path to a file from components in the project
project_findfileSearch the file from current folder to root
project_funSource the function in the project
project_get_paraGet parameter from config file
project_listGet the project list
project_loadLoad a project, the first function will be called when...
project_readRead a project file (csv, RData, ...)
project_readiniRead ini file
project_read_paraRead parameter files
project_set_pataSet parameter
project_variable_nameGenerate variable name for global environment
source_dirSourcing a bunch of files located from different...
source_funsSource functions from a File or a connection
byzheng/rproject documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:55 a.m.