Man pages for ca-vi/Climatology_Package
Package for the chair of Climatology at TU Berlin

calc_mrtCalculation of the Mean Radiant Temperatur (MRT)
calc_pmvCalculation of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) Value
calc_utciCalculation of the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI)...
cart2polarFunction to convert from cartesian coordinates to polar...
checkConsistenceCheck a dataset for inconsistencies in Timestamp or...
FGClimatology-packagePackage for the climatology institute at TU Berlin. Science...
humve_stationszuordnung_mittelwerteHuMVe data will be cut according to the log.
humve_stationszuordnung_ungemitteltHuMVe data will be cut according to the log.
plotWindroseplotWindrose help function called by windrose
read.biometReads in the three pieces of datasets which is created by our...
read.humvelogReads in the handwritten and digitalized log for processing...
read.loggerRead in datasets from Campbell Loggers which have a special...
windroseSorting windspeed and winddirection in classes and ploting a...
windspeed_conversionFunction to convert between different windspeed units.
ca-vi/Climatology_Package documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:37 a.m.