Man pages for cafeine05/WikiSocio
A MediaWiki API Wrapper

cat_pageList all members of a category
clean_wikitextCleaning wikitext function
contrib_contentDownloading the revisions made by an user
contrib_revisionsGetting the list of the contribution of a contributor.
contrib_versionVersionning revisions from a given contributor
exec_queryExecute a query to the MediaWiki API
page_catList all categories where a page is located
page_compare_contributorsComparing contributors population of two pages.
page_compare_timeComparing pages by time distribution of contributions
page_contentDownloading the content of a page
page_distanceGiving the distance beetween each revisions
page_historyGetting the history of a page
page_idGetting the ID of a list of pages
page_linksList of inter-articles links on a wiki page
page_revisionsDownloading the list of contributions for one page
page_tocDownload the table of contents of a page.
page_versionVersionning an article
parse_linksGet all links contained in a wikitext string Vectorized over...
randomRandomly select Wikipedia pages
remove_revertsRemove reverts from page_revisions table
version_linksSee who add or detele a links in a article and when
cafeine05/WikiSocio documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:39 a.m.