
R-CMD-check CRAN Downloads

reinstallr is a tool to identify missing packages, e.g. after upgrading R, by scanning through your R files. If the missing packages are available on CRAN and you confirmed the install, install.packages is called. As a bonus, it provides some information about the packages you are using.

reinstallr is a little helper I wrote for myself and I'm glad if it's useful for anyone else. Pull requests to improve the package are very welcomed!

reinstallr searches for


reinstallr is available on CRAN (stable) or via devtools::install_github (dev)

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))



reinstallr(path = NULL, pattern = NULL, ...)

Per default reinstallr searches the working directory for R, Rmd, Rnw, Rhtml and Rpres files. After a reinstall the following might be enough to install all packages (from CRAN):

# All my R projects are located in ~/Documents/R/
reinstallr(path = '~/Documents/R/')

show_missing_packages() searches for missing packages and checks if the package is available on CRAN:

show_missing_packages(path = '~/Documents/R/')
#           package on_cran
# 1        lineprof   FALSE
# 2            BuBa   FALSE
# 3 metricsgraphics    TRUE

If you would like to find out, which packages you use, show_package_stats() is your friend:

show_package_stats(path = '~/Documents/R/')
# [...]
# 43        testthat  3
# 44       htmltools  4
# 45       lubridate  4
# 46        reshape2  4
# 47         twitteR  4
# 48            data  5
# 49      rstudioapi  5
# 50          scales  5
# 51        jsonlite  7
# 52           dplyr 10
# 53           knitr 11
# 54     htmlwidgets 12
# 55         ggplot2 17
# 56   rhandsontable 17
# 57  microbenchmark 18
# 58           shiny 34

find_used_packages() gives you the information, in which files a package is used:

find_used_packages(packages = c('dplyr', 'ggplot2'), path = '~/Documents/R/')

calligross/reinstallr documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 1:43 p.m.