Man pages for camille-s/camiller
Lots of convenience functions

add_grpsCollapse variable into groups and sum
big_numberAbbreviate large numbers by order of magnitude
bind_selfNeatly bind a data frame to itself, with a column changed
brk_labelsCreate pretty breaks labels
calc_sharesMake table of rates given a denominator
cap_firstCapitalize first letter in string
clean_titlesSeveral options for formatting text into neater titles
color_prevPreview color palette
eduEducation levels
filter_downFilter until/after first occurrence of a set of conditions
make_grpsCollapse variable into subgroup positions
make_wideArrange estimates, MOEs, etc into wide format
moe_testSignificance testing of differences with MOEs
pipePipe operator
pov_ageRatios to poverty by age
pov_age_10_16Ratios to poverty by age for 2 years
race_popsPopulations by race
show_uniqPrint unique values from a data frame column, then keep it...
theme_dinTheme Din
themed_labelCreate 'cowplot' label based on a ggplot theme
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
camille-s/camiller documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 6:50 a.m.