Man pages for camposfa/paceR
Tools for working with the PACE Database

area.BRBUpdated BRB code
biomass_avail_hrCalcuate available biomass per homerange using the indices as...
biomass_avail_srCalcuate available biomass using the indices as weights.
biomass_max_srCalculate max potential biomass for each species (if...
biomass_monthly_summarySummarize available biomass data by summing species in each...
figs_to_sfTransforms fig table into a sf-dataframe
fpv_get_min_dbh_srSet minimum DBHs for fruit-producing trees of each species.
fpv_subset_pheno_srGet relevant FPV data corresponding to pheno species
get_biographyGet table with biography from birth until death,...
get_biomass_srCalculate available biomass. This function is a wrapper for...
get_focaldata_MBGet focal behaviour recorded by Mackenzie Bergstrom for her...
get_focaldata_SCGet focal behaviour recorded by Sarah Carnegie's for her PhD...
get_habitat_useCalculate habitat utilization from ranging data and...
get_homerangeCalculate home ranges for time intervals
get_horizontal_transectsGet gps points for horizontal transects
get_infant_tableGet table with infants including the risk of infanticide as a...
get_infant_table.oldGet table with infants including the risk of infanticide as a...
get_pace_tblGet any table from PACE without the annoying warning...
get_proximity_MBGet proximity scans recorded by Mackenzie Bergstrom for her...
get_sf_from_huCreates a 'simple feature' dataframe from the habitat...
getv_AlphaFemaleTenureGet table with alpha female tenures.
getv_AlphaMaleTenureGet table with alpha male tenures.
getv_CensusMonthlyGet table with group-census data
getv_DominanceHierarchyGet table with Dominance hierachies.
get_vertical_transectsGet gps points for vertical transects
getv_IndividualGet table with Individual data
getv_PhenologyGet table with Phenology data
helloHello, World!
load_hr_biomass_packagesLoads various packages required to estimate biomass per...
load_pace_packages#' Loads various data munging packages.
pheno_avail_indices_srCalculate availability indices for Santa Rosa using different...
pheno_prep_srConvert a Santa Rosa phenology table from long to wide format...
plot_biomass_monthlyHeatmap plots of total monthly biomass with species combined
plot_biomass_speciesGenerate a heatmap of availabile fruit biomass for each...
plot_fpv_dbhCreate boxplots of DBHs for trees in FPV data for each...
plot_pheno_indicesGenerate a heatmap of fruit availability indices.
sqrt_sign_transA signed square-root transform. This transform can be useful...
theme_internal_ticksA ggplot2 theme with internal tick marks.
theme_internal_ticks_x2A doubled version of theme_internal_ticks.
theme_journalA clean ggplot2 theme with no internal grid lines.
theme_journal_x2A doubled version of theme_journal.
transect_subset_srGet relevant transect data corresponding to pheno species....
tr_to_polysTransforms start- and end-points of transects into polygons...
vector.averagingCalculate mean resultant vector from directional data,...
camposfa/paceR documentation built on May 23, 2020, 5:54 a.m.