Man pages for cantonfe/sitreeE
Sitree Extensions

AM2016ClimateSensitiveSINorwayClimate-sensitive site index models for Norway
biomass.birch.M1988Marklund's biomass equations
biomass.birch.S2014Implements biomass functions for birch for Norway from Smith...
biomass.M1988Biomass functions of Marklund (1988) and Petterson and Sthål...
biomass.NorwayBiomass functions for Norway
biomass.norway.sitreeCalculates biomass for trees using the Norwegian biomass...
biomass.sitreeBiomass for live, dead, or removed trees using Norwegian...
height.of.X.tallest.treesMean height of X tallest trees
lorey.heightLorey's height
PBALBasal area of larger trees
PBAL.dbh.greaterBasal area of larger trees which are at least X cm larger...
picea.abies.volVolumes for Norwegian species
PlotDataToLongConvert Plot data to a data.frame/data.table format
top.heightTop height of the n thickest trees
volume.norwayTree volume for Norwegian conditions
volume.sitreeVolume for sitree output for Norwegian conditions
cantonfe/sitreeE documentation built on Aug. 3, 2019, 10:52 a.m.