Man pages for cardiomoon/rrtable
Reproducible Research with a Table of R Codes

add_2flextablesAdd two flextables into a document object
add_2ggplotsAdd two ggplots into a document object
add_2plotsAdd two plots into a document object
add_anyplotAdd a ggplot or a plot to the Microsoft Office Document
add_flextableAdd a flextable or mytable object into a document object
add_ggplotAdd ggplot into a document object
add_imageAdd plot into a document object
add_plotAdd plot into a document object
add_RcodeMake a R code slide into a document object
add_selfadd self data to document
add_textAdd text to document
add_text2hyperlinkAdd hyperlink text
add_titleAdd title to docx file
add_title_slideAdd title slide
as.mynumericcoerce an object of type "numeric"
chooserServer function of chooser Module
chooser2Server function of chooser2 Module
chooser2UIUI of chooser2 Module Add 'all select' and 'reset' button to...
chooserInputChooser Input
chooserUIUI of chooser Module
code2docxSave plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format
code2officeSave plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format
code2pptxSave plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format
data2docxconvert data to docx file
data2docx2Make a word file with a data.frame
data2HTMLMake a HTML5 file with a data.frame
data2officeconvert data to pptx file
data2pdfMake a pdf file with a data.frame
data2plotzipMake zipped plot file with a data.frame
data2pptxconvert data to pptx file
data2pptx2Make a Powerpoint file with a data.frame
df2flextableConvert data.frame to flextable
df2flextable2Make flextable with limited width
df2RcodeTableMake a flextable with a data.frame
exportCSVExport pptxList file to desired format
file2docxread data file and make a docx file
file2docx2read data file and make a docx file with Rmd file
file2HTMLread data file and make a HTML file
file2pdfread data file and make a pdf file
file2plotzipread data file and make a zip file with plots
file2pptxread data file and make a pptx file
file2pptx2read data file and make a pptx file with Rmd file
flextable2ztableConvert flextable to ztable
html2latexConvert html5 code to latex
HTMLcode2latexConvert HTML table to latex table
image2docxSave plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word format
image2officeSave plot/ggplot as image to Microsoft Powerpoint format
image2pptxSave plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format
insert_argumentreplace argument of a function
is_ggplotReports whether plotstring encode a ggplot object
is_ggsurvplotReports whether plotstring encode a ggsurvplot object
mycatConcatenate to file
myFlextableMake flextable with a data.frame
mygrepgrep string in all files in subdirectory
myplot2Make zipped plots with a data.frame
mytable2flextableConvert mytable object to flextable
open_docMake/open office document with file name
p2characterChange p value to string
pickerInput3Side by side pickerInput
plot2docxSave plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word format
plot2officeSave plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format
plot2pptxSave plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format
plotPNG2Make png file with a plot code
pptxListServer function of pptxList shiny module
pptxListInputUI of pptxList shiny module
Rcode2dfMake a data.frame with character strings encoding R code
Rcode2df2Make a data.frame with character strings encoding R code
Rcode2docxSave R code to Microsoft Word format
Rcode2flextableMake a flextable object with character strings encoding R...
Rcode2officeMake R code slide
Rcode2pptxSave R code to Microsoft Powerpoint format
readCommentRead comment from a file
readCSVCommentRead a csv file with comment
replace_argumentreplace argument of a function
roundDfConvert numeric columns of data.frame to character
sampleData2Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects...
sampleData3Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects...
set_argumentset argument of a function
table2docxExport data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft Word...
table2officeExport data.frame or statistical output to a table in...
table2pptxExport data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft...
tensiSplitSplit strings with desired length with exdent
unsinkRemove File and sink()
writeCSVCommentWrite a csv file with comment
ztable2Make ztable with desired width
ztable2flextableConvert ztable to flextable
cardiomoon/rrtable documentation built on March 14, 2023, 10:39 p.m.