Man pages for cardiomoon/webr2
Data and Functions for Web-Based Analysis

autotraderPrices of 6,283 cars listed on Autotrader
autoTransformDfAutologous transformation of data.frame using bestNormalize
autoTransformFitFit an autotransformed linear model
boxPlot2Draw a box plot
calibrationPlotDraw a calibration plot
cutoff2strConvert cutoff to string
ExampleDataA hypothetical dataset that is used to demonstrate all...
fit2callGet call as string from an object of class glm or lm
makeNewData2Make new data for predict
makePPTList_autoTransformMake Powerpoint list for autoTransformFit
makePPTList_reclassifyMake Powerpoint list for reclassification
needTransformCheck for need for transformation
ORmultivariateFunction to obtain multivariate odds ratios from a logistic...
plot_autoBNPlot an object of class autoBN
plot.autoBNS3 method of class autoBN
plot_BNdfPlot function for an object of class BNdf
plot.BNdfS3 method of class BNdf
plot_BNdf2BoxPlot function for an object of class BNdf
plot_BNdf3Histogram function for an object of class BNdf
plot_BNdf4Predict plot function for an object of class BNdf
plotROC2Draw ROC curves
predictModelDraw a ggplot with an object of class gam
predictPlotDraw a Predictiveness Plot
print.reclassifiedS3 method print for an object of class reclassified
priorPosteriorPlotDraw prior versus posterior plot
reclassifyFunction for reclassification table and statistics
reclassTableMake reclassification table
riskDistributionPlotRisk Distribution Plot
showStatDraw distribution of statistics
showStat_lmDraw distribution of statistic for an object of lm
transformDensityDraw histogram of transformed value with normal density
cardiomoon/webr2 documentation built on April 24, 2020, 9:44 p.m.