recordTable: Generate a record table of species detections from camera...

View source: R/recordTable.R

recordTableR Documentation

Generate a record table of species detections from camera trap images


Generates a record table from camera trap images and user defined metadata tags and/or directory folders, or spreadsheet data, and can also report maximum abundance counts within independent event intervals.


  StationIDfrom = "directory",
  minDeltaTime = 0,
  writecsv = FALSE,
  metadataHierarchyDelimitor = "|",
  removeDuplicateRecords = TRUE,
  stationIDposition = NULL,
  speciesPosition = NULL,
  cameraIDposition = NULL,



character. Directory filepath containing 'Station' directories. It must either contain images in species subdirectories (e.g. "inDir/StationA/SpeciesA") or images with species metadata tags instead of 'Species' directories (e.g. "inDir/StationA"). Only include path up to root/parent folder in which the 'Station'/'Site' subfolders are located (e.g. "C:/Documents/CamProject" ...). 'Station' folders would be next in the file path but are not included when defining inDir.


This argument is deprecated. Use speciesIDfrom.


This argument is deprecated. Use cameraIDfrom.


character. Read station ID from image "filename" or station "directory" names. "filename" requires images renamed with imageRename.


character. Read species ID from image "metadata" or from species "directory" names.


character. Read camera ID from image "filename" or camera "directory" names. "filename" requires images renamed with imageRename. "directory" requires a camera subdirectory within 'Station' directories (e.g. "Station/Camera/...").


logical. If TRUE, species records are considered independent between cameras at same station.


character. Vector of species names to be excluded from the record table (e.g. c("Dog", "Cat", ...)).


integer. The minimum specified time difference (in minutes) between records of the same species, at the same station, that are to be considered independent.


character. For two records to be considered independent, the second record must be at least minDeltaTime minutes after the last independent record of the same species ("lastIndependentRecord"), or minDeltaTime minutes after the last record ("lastRecord").


character. Must be an argument of OlsonNames.


character. Name of the camera trap station column. Assumes "Station" if undefined.


logical. If TRUE, a .csv file of the record table will be saved.


character. Directory to save .csv file to. If NULL and writecsv = TRUE, recordTable will be written to inDir.


character. The character (either "|" or ":") that delimits hierarchy levels of image metadata tags contained in the image management software field called "HierarchicalSubject".


character. In custom image metadata, the species ID tag name. Only one species name can be provided (e.g. "dog").


character. Additional camera model-specific metadata tags to be extracted. If possible, specify tag groups as returned by exifTagNames, (e.g. c("MakerNotes:AmbientTemperature","MakerNotes:MoonPhase").


logical. If TRUE, only one record will be shown in the record table when there are several records of the same species at the same station (also same camera if cameraID is defined) at exactly the same time.


integer. The numeric position within the filepath/directory structure of the 'Station' directories (e.g. "C:/Documents/CamProject/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Camera/Species/...", the 'Station' directory position = 6).Only need to use this argument when information from one or more directories (i.e. folders) before the 'Station' level directory are to be used to populate columns within the record table (e.g. "SurveyPeriod/Region/Site/Transect/Station/..."). If this argument is missing, the function assumes the 'Station' directory is next in the filepath as specified in inDir.


integer. The numeric position within the filepath/directory structure of the 'Species' directories (e.g. "C:/Documents/CamProject/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Camera/Species/...", the species directory position = 8). Only need to use this argument when speciesIDfrom = "directory" and there are one or more directories (i.e. folders) after the 'Species' level directory (e.g. "SurveyPeriod/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Species/Counts/...").


integer. The numeric position of the 'Camera' directories within the filepath/directory structure (e.g. "C:/Documents/CamProject/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Camera/Species,...", the camera ID directory position = 7). Only need to use this argument when cameraIDfrom = "directory" and there are one or more directories (i.e. folders) after the 'Species' level directory (e.g. "SurveyPeriod/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Species/Counts/...").


integer. Vector of the numeric positions within the filepath/directory structure of the directories containing extra information that the user wishes to have itemised in columns within the record table. Can take a vector of length >1. This argument must be used if the directory filepath contains extra directories beyond 'Species' (e.g. the directories "Site", "Transect" and "Counts" within the filepath of "C:/Documents/CamProject/Site/Transect/Station/Camera/Species/Counts/...", would be specified as c(3:4, 8)).


character. The names of the directories for the additional information coming from the directory as specified in directoryInfoPositions. If the length is >1, then the names need to be concatonated and listed in the same order as the numbers specified in directoryInfoPositions (e.g. the directoryInfoPositions of c(3:4, 8) within the filepath of "C:/Documents/CamProject/Site/Transect/Station/Camera/Species/Counts/...", would be specified as c("Site", "Transect","Counts")). This argument must be used if the directory filepath contains extra directories beyond 'Species'.


character. Vector of the metadata tag name (as per image management/tagging software) containing count/abundance information, or the vector of the name given to the count/abundance folder position within directoryInfoNames (e.g. "Counts").


The recordTable function generates a record table from camera trap images. Images must be sorted into station directories at least. A station is typically considered the location of a single camera, or the location of multiple, possibly non-independent, cameras (e.g. two cameras opposite each other on road).

The function can handle a number of different ways of storing images, and supports sorting/describing of images by moving images into directory folders, as well as metadata tagging. In every case, images need to be stored into station directories (i.e.folders). If images are sorted by moving them into species directories, abundance counts directories, etc., a camera directory is optional (e.g. "Station/Species/XY.JPG" or "Station/Camera/Species/Counts/XY.JPG"). Likewise, if images are identified using metadata tagging, a camera directory can be used optionally (e.g. "Station/XY.JPG" or "Station/Camera/XY.JPG").

The function can read mutliple descriptors, such as species identification, abundance counts, etc., from the directory structure (e.g. "Station/Species/XY.JPG" or "Station/Camera/Species/Counts/.../XY.JPG") or from image metadata tags. For the sake of workflow efficiency, it is suggested that metadata tagging, using an appropriate image management software capable of heirarchical tagging (e.g. digiKam, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Lightroom), be used if multiple descriptors beyond species level are to be implemented. Camera metadata, as well as additional image tags, can also be retrieved and included in the generated record table.

Users can use mutiple directory levels before 'Station' level (e.g. site, survey period, etc.) and after 'Station' or 'Species' level directories (e.g. species, abundance, sex, age, behaviour, etc.). However, as mentioned previously, for efficiency sake it is advised that metadata tagging be used instead of multiple directories, otherwise the need for copying and pasting of images into several descriptive folders is increased.

This function allows for multiple directory folders, including abundance, and enables the determination of relative abundance indices by calculating independent events using the abundance counts information. The following arguments allow users to create columns populated with information contained within directories/folders in the filepath/directory structure above station level and below species level folders: stationIDposition, speciesPosition, cameraIDposition, directoryInfoPositions, directoryInfoNames, countsName.

Use the following commands to display the directory folder names and their level / numeric position within the filepath: ldir <- list.dirs( , or folderIndices(inDir), or by counting the position of the desired directory folder after the name of the storage drive within the filepath (e.g. "C:/Documents/CamProject/Region/Site/Transect/Station/Species/...", the 'Station' directory ID position = 6).

The arguments IDfrom and cameraID will present an 'argument deprecated' warning if used and are only included to allow backwards compatability for users of camtrapR. These arguments have been replaced by speciesIDfrom and cameraIDfrom.

If images are identified by metadata tagging, metadataSpeciesTag specifies the metadata tag group name that contains species identification tags. metadataHierarchyDelimitor is "|" for images tagged in digiKam, Adobe Bridge or Adobe Lightroom with the default settings. It is only necessary to change it if the default was changed in these programs.

Many digital images contain Exif metadata tags such as "AmbientTemperature" or "MoonPhase" that can be extracted if specified in metadataTags. Because these are manufacturer-specific and not standardized, function exifTagNames provides a vector of all available tag names. Multiple names can be specified as a character vector as: c(Tag1, Tag2, ...). The metadata tags extracted may then be used as covariates in subsequent analyses.

CamtrapRdeluxe relies on the free and open-source software ExifTool written by Phil Harvey to extract metadata from images. See for exiftool download, and Vignette 1. Organising Raw Camera Trap Images in camtrapR, accessible via , or exiftoolPath for instructions on how to install exiftool for permanent or temporary access.

minDeltaTime is a criterion for temporal independence of species recorded at the same station. Setting it to 0 will make the function return all records. Setting it to a higher value will remove records that were taken less than minDeltaTime minutes after the last record (deltaTimeComparedTo = "lastRecord") or the last independent record (deltaTimeComparedTo = "lastIndependentRecord"). For two records to be considered independent, the second record must be at least minDeltaTime minutes after the last independent record of the same species ("lastIndependentRecord"), or minDeltaTime minutes after the last record ("lastRecord"). For example, if a sequence of records of the same species from the same station were observed, with a difference in time between each record being 0 (first image), 5, 10, 7, 25 and 40 minutes and minDeltaTime defined as 30 minutes, "lastIndependentRecord" would return 3 (0, 25 and 40) independent events due to the cumulative calculation of time difference between earlier and later records, whereas "lastRecord" would return 2 (0 and 40) independent events because this argument simply uses the time difference between successive records.

camerasIndependent defines if the cameras at a station are to be considered independent. If TRUE, records of the same species taken by different cameras are considered independent (e.g. if the cameras face different trails). Use FALSE if both cameras face each other and are likely to detect the same animals at the same time, however in some instances TRUE may be used for this camera arrangement.

exclude can be used to exclude 'Species' directories containing irrelevant images (e.g. c("team", "blank", "unidentified")). stationCol can be set to match the station column name in the camera trap station table (see camtraps).


A data frame containing species records and additional information about stations, date, time and (optionally) relative abundance and further metadata.


The results of a number of other functions will depend on the output of this function (namely on the arguments: exclude for excluding species, and minDeltaTime and deltaTimeComparedTo for temporal independence).


Custom image metadata must be organised hierarchically (i.e. Tag group - Tag; e.g. "Species" - "Leopard Cat"). Detailed information on how to set up and use metadata tags can be found in Vignette 2: Identifying Species and Individuals in camtrapR, accessible via

Custom image metadata tags must be written to the images. The function cannot read tags from .xmp sidecar files. Make sure you set the preferences accordingly. In digiKam, go to Settings/Configure digiKam/Metadata. There, make sure "Write to sidecar files" is unchecked.

Please note the section about defining argument timeZone in Vignette 3. Extracting Data from Camera Trapping Images, accessible via


Juergen Niedbella, Luke Emerson, Carlo Pacioni


Phil Harvey's ExifTool


wd_images_ID <- system.file("pictures/sample_images", package = "camtrapRdeluxe")

if (Sys.which("exiftool") != ""){        # only run these examples if ExifTool is available

 rec.db1 <- recordTable(inDir                  = wd_images_ID,
                        speciesIDfrom          = "directory",
                        minDeltaTime           = 60,
                        deltaTimeComparedTo    = "lastRecord",
                        writecsv               = FALSE,
                        additionalMetadataTags = c("EXIF:Model", "EXIF:Make")
 # note argument additionalMetadataTags: it contains tag names as returned by function exifTagNames

 rec.db2 <- recordTable(inDir                  = wd_images_ID,
                        speciesIDfrom          = "directory",
                        minDeltaTime           = 60,
                        deltaTimeComparedTo    = "lastRecord",
                        exclude                = "NO_ID",
                        writecsv               = FALSE,
                        timeZone               = "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
                        additionalMetadataTags = c("EXIF:Model", "EXIF:Make", "NonExistingTag")
 # note the warning that the last tag in "additionalMetadataTags" was not found

 any(rec.db1$Species == "NO_ID")
 any(rec.db2$Species == "NO_ID")

 # here's how the removeDuplicateRecords argument works

 ## Not run:    # this is because otherwise the test would run too long to pass CRAN tests

   rec.db3a <- recordTable(inDir                  = wd_images_ID,
                           speciesIDfrom          = "directory",
                           minDeltaTime           = 0,
                           exclude                = "NO_ID",
                           timeZone               = "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
                           removeDuplicateRecords = FALSE

   rec.db3b <- recordTable(inDir                  = wd_images_ID,
                           speciesIDfrom          = "directory",
                           minDeltaTime           = 0,
                           exclude                = "NO_ID",
                           timeZone               = "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
                           removeDuplicateRecords = TRUE

   anyDuplicated(rec.db3a[, c("Station", "Species", "DateTimeOriginal")])   # got duplicates
   anyDuplicated(rec.db3b[, c("Station", "Species", "DateTimeOriginal")])   # no duplicates

   # after removing duplicates, both are identical:
   whichAreDuplicated <- which(duplicated(rec.db3a[, c("Station", "Species", "DateTimeOriginal")]))
   all(rec.db3a[-whichAreDuplicated,] == rec.db3b)

## End(Not run)

} else {                                # show function output if ExifTool is not available
 message("ExifTool is not available. Cannot test function")


###### New Examples ########

carlopacioni/camtrapRdeluxe documentation built on Nov. 29, 2023, 3:37 a.m.