Test environments

R CMD check results

In all environments, the test results were: 0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 note

Downstream dependencies

We have checked downstream dependencies of vortexR using devtools::revdep_check(). Results: No errors or warnings found.


The maintainer of this package, Carlo Pacioni, is an author on both papers which generated the data included here. Carlo has the written permission of all of his co-authors to make the data included here available in this form (as R package) under the chosen license (GPL-3).

Reason for release as CRAN package

This package serves as an auxiliary data package for our main package vortexR. Splitting the raw data for vortexR into this package, vortexRdata, keeps vortexR's installed package size below the size threshold triggering a NOTE from R CMD check --as-cran.

carlopacioni/vortexRdata documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:47 p.m.