Chao index redundancy analysis, variance partition
Hellinger Distance, Chord Distance - great except for ignoring undersampling Otherwise Jaccard, Sorensen, Ochiai
library(tidyverse) library(here) library(vegan) library(cowplot) library(phyloseq) library(rstan) library(doParallel) options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) source(here("R","sample_posterior.R")) source(here("R","plot_mds.R")) registerDoParallel(parallel::detectCores())
Tijana's code to load the data
otutable = read.delim(file = here("private_data","tijana",'Seedlings_ITS2_otutab_ALL.csv'), sep = "\t") #reading the data I want to use otutabP = otutable[, -1] rownames(otutabP) = otutable [, 1] t_otutab <- t(as.matrix(otutabP)) mapping = read.delim(file = here("private_data","tijana","Seedlings_ITS2_year1_mapping.csv"), sep = ",") %>% mutate(Replicate_no = gsub("[A-Za-z]","", Replicate), SoilSample = interaction(Soil, SampleType)) mapping2 = mapping [,-1] #it is the new mapping file with the proper row names, same as in previous case, here we added names from the mapping rownames(mapping2) = mapping[,1] #?order mapping3 = sample_data(mapping2) #making corrected mapping file a phyloseq object
plot_mds_tijana <- function(mds, mapping, aligned_samples = NULL, show_paths = "all") { plot_mds(mds, mapping, aligned_samples = aligned_samples, color_aes = SampleType, shape_aes = Soil, show_paths = show_paths) }
set.seed(13248455) base_mds <- metaMDS(t_otutab, trymax = 50) samples_rarefy <- sample_posterior_rarefy(20, t_otutab) aligned_samples_rarefy <- metaMDS_per_sample(samples_rarefy) %>% purrr::map(align_single_MDS, base_mds = base_mds) plot_mds_tijana(base_mds, aligned_samples = aligned_samples_rarefy, mapping)
samples_jackknife <- sample_posterior_jackknife_observations(t_otutab) mds_jack <- metaMDS_per_sample(samples_jackknife) aligned_samples_jackknife <- mds_jack %>% purrr::map(align_single_MDS, base_mds = base_mds, allow_unmatched_observations = TRUE) plot_mds_tijana(base_mds, aligned_samples = aligned_samples_jackknife, mapping)
set.seed(4822465) classical_mds_func <- function(x) { vegdist(x) %>% sqrt() %>% wisconsin() %>% cmdscale(add = TRUE, list. = TRUE) } base_classical_mds <- classical_mds_func(t_otutab) mds_samples_classical_rarefy <- samples_rarefy %>% apply_per_sample(classical_mds_func) aligned_samples_classical_rarefy <- mds_samples_classical_rarefy %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_classical_mds) plot_mds_tijana(base_classical_mds, aligned_samples = aligned_samples_classical_rarefy, mapping)
set.seed(134524223) #resampled_otu <- sample_posterior_dm(10, t_otutab, prior = 0.5, N_draws = "original") resampled_otu <- sample_posterior_dm(20, t_otutab, prior = "ml", N_draws = "original") resampled_mds <- metaMDS_per_sample(resampled_otu, trymax = 50) resampled_mds_aligned <- resampled_mds %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_mds)
plot_mds_tijana(base_mds, aligned_samples = resampled_mds_aligned, mapping)
What happens when we take a small subset of the samples so that they are similar?
selected_observations <- mapping %>% filter(SampleType == "Control", Soil == "Spruce") %>% pull("Sample") %>% as.character() set.seed(1328454) t_otutab_filtered <- t_otutab[selected_observations,, drop = FALSE] resampled_otu_filtered <- sample_posterior_dm(20, t_otutab_filtered, prior = "ml", N_draws = "original") base_mds_filtered <- metaMDS(t_otutab_filtered, trymax = 50) resampled_mds_filtered <- metaMDS_per_sample(resampled_otu_filtered, trymax = 50) resampled_mds_filtered_aligned <- resampled_mds_filtered %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_mds_filtered)
plot_mds_tijana(base_mds_filtered, aligned_samples = resampled_mds_filtered_aligned, mapping)
Testing DESeq2
set.seed(321485246) #resampled_otu <- sample_posterior_dm(10, t_otutab, prior = 0.5, N_draws = "original") resampled_otu_deseq <- sample_posterior_DESeq2(20, t_otutab, mapping, ~SoilSample) resampled_mds_aligned_deseq <- metaMDS_per_sample(resampled_otu_deseq, trymax = 50) %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_mds) plot_mds_tijana(base_mds, aligned_samples = resampled_mds_aligned_deseq, mapping)
set.seed(8432554) classical_mds_deseq <- resampled_otu_deseq %>% apply_per_sample(classical_mds_func) %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_classical_mds) plot_mds_tijana(base_classical_mds, aligned_samples = classical_mds_deseq, mapping)
DESEQ with each sample separate
set.seed(13584224) #resampled_otu <- sample_posterior_dm(10, t_otutab, prior = 0.5, N_draws = "original") mappingV2 <- mapping %>% mutate(Cat = Replicate_no < 3, SoilSampleCat = interaction(SoilSample,Cat)) resampled_otu_deseq_rep <- sample_posterior_DESeq2(20, t_otutab, mappingV2, ~SoilSampleCat) resampled_otu_flat_deseq_rep <- flatten_posterior_samples(resampled_otu_deseq_rep) resampled_mds_deseq_rep <- metaMDS(rbind(original_renamed, resampled_otu_flat_deseq_rep), trymax = 50) plot_mds_tijana(resampled_mds_deseq_rep, mapping)
dist_deseq_rep <- vegdist(rbind(original_renamed, resampled_otu_flat_deseq_rep)) %>% sqrt() %>% wisconsin() classical_mds_deseq_rep <- cmdscale(dist_deseq_rep, add = TRUE, list. = TRUE) plot_mds_tijana(classical_mds_deseq_rep, mapping)
xx <- sample_posterior_DESeq2(1, t_otutab, mapping, ~SoilSample) plot(log(as.numeric(xx) + 0.5), log(as.numeric(t_otutab)+ 0.5)) abline(a = 0, b = 1)
library(DESeq2) dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = otutabP, colData = mapping, design = ~SoilSample) dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds, type = "poscounts") dds <- estimateDispersions(dds) dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)
n_otus <- ncol(t_otutab) n_observations <- nrow(t_otutab) predicted_means <- 2^(coef(dds) %*% t(model.matrix(~SoilSample, mapping ))) * matrix(rep(sizeFactors(dds), each = n_otus), n_otus, n_observations) colnames(predicted_means) <- rownames(t_otutab)
sName <- "TIJ019" otherS <- paste0("TIJ0",20:23) for(otu in sample(1:1034, 20)) { rand <- rnbinom(1000, mu = predicted_means[otu, sName], size = dispersions(dds)[otu]) actual <- tibble(x = c(t_otutab[sName, otu], t_otutab[otherS, otu] / sizeFactors(dds)[otherS])) (tibble(x = rand) %>% ggplot(aes(x)) + geom_histogram(bins = 50) + geom_vline(data = actual, aes(xintercept = x)) )%>% print() }
fitted_quantiles <- pnbinom(t(t_otutab), mu = predicted_means, size = matrix(rep(dispersions(dds), times = n_observations), n_otus, n_observations)) fitted_quantiles_tidy <- fitted_quantiles %>% %>% rownames_to_column("otu") %>% gather("observation","quantile", -otu) fitted_quantiles_tidy %>% filter(otu %in% sample(colnames(t_otutab), 20)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = quantile)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) fitted_quantiles_tidy %>% filter(otu %in% sample(colnames(t_otutab), 20)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = quantile)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~otu) fitted_quantiles_tidy %>% filter(observation %in% sample(rownames(t_otutab), 20)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = quantile)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~observation)
Testing alternative priors, currently does not work
set.seed(32146588) #resampled_otu <- sample_posterior_dm(10, t_otutab, prior = 0.5, N_draws = "original") resampled_otu_2 <- sample_posterior_dm(20, t_otutab, prior = 0.5, N_draws = "original") resampled_otu_flat_2 <- flatten_posterior_samples(resampled_otu) resampled_mds_2 <- metaMDS(rbind(original_renamed, resampled_otu_flat_2), trymax = 50)
plot_sampled_mds(resampled_mds_2, mapping)
Sampling in latent space
set.seed(8524362) resampled_latent <- sample_latent_dm_all(10, t_otutab, prior = 0.5) resampled_latent_flat <- flatten_posterior_samples(resampled_otu) resampled_mds_latent <- metaMDS(resampled_otu_flat, trymax = 60)
resampled_mds_latent$points %>% %>% rownames_to_column("observation_sample") %>% separate("observation_sample", c("observation","sample"), sep = "_") %>% inner_join(mapping %>% mutate(Sample = as.character(Sample)), by =c("observation" = "Sample")) %>% ggplot(aes(MDS1, MDS2, color = SampleType, shape = Soil) + geom_point()
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