From the paper "Yeasts Dominate Soil Fungal Communities In Three Lowland Neotropical Rainforests"

The data can be downloaded at





Downloading data is preferably automatic, but can be replaced with instructions on how to download the data yourself.

main_data_file <- here("local_data", "Dunthorn2017.txt")
if(!file.exists(main_data_file)) {
   download.file("", main_data_file)


The important part - read and format the data so that rows are observations (biological samples) and columns are OTUs. Also gather basic information about the sampples (I call this "mapping" but maybe not a great name).

otus_raw <- read.csv(main_data_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t")
otu_tab <- otus_raw %>% select(B005_B006:T199_T200) %>% as.matrix() %>% t()
otu_tab <- otu_tab[rowSums(otu_tab) > 2000 & rownames(otu_tab) != "B005_B006",]

#Mapping hardcoded, could not bother parsing their file
mapping <- tibble(Sample = rownames(otu_tab)) %>% mutate(Origin = if_else(grepl("^B", Sample), "Panama", if_else(grepl("^L", Sample), "Costa Rica", "Ecuador")))

A custom plot function that wraps plot_mds and fixes some aesthetics that are reused - completely unnecessary, just convenient.

plot_mds_dunthorn <- function(base_mds, mapping, aligned_samples = NULL, show_paths = 0.5,  ...) {
  plot_mds(base_mds, mapping, aligned_samples = aligned_samples, color_aes = Origin, shape_aes = Origin, show_paths = show_paths, sample_point_alpha = 0.2) 

Basic MDS redoing the figure from the paper

base_mds <- otu_tab %>% metaMDS(trymax = 400, maxit = 500, trace = 0)
plot_mds_dunthorn(base_mds, mapping)

Running the Dirichlet-multinomial bootstrap

#Here, group_column needs to be filled, it is needed for the connectivity metric (not directly using right now, but it is of interest). group_column should be the main factor in the data.
sens <- mds_sensitivity_check(otu_tab, mapping, group_column = Origin, trace = 0)
plot.mds_sensitivity(sens,color_aes = Origin, shape_aes = Origin, sample_point_alpha = 0.2)

Additional analyses that are not needed now

sens_jackknife <- mds_sensitivity_check(20, otu_tab, mapping, group_column = Origin, trace = 0, trymax = 50, sampling_func = sample_posterior_jackknife_observations)
plot(sens_jackknife,color_aes = Origin, shape_aes = Origin, sample_point_alpha = 0.2)
mds_samples_rarefy <- sample_posterior_rarefy(20, otu_tab) %>% 
  metaMDS_per_sample(try = 200, maxit = 500) %>% purrr::map(vegan::procrustes, X = base_mds)
plot_mds_dunthorn(base_mds, mapping, aligned_samples = mds_samples_rarefy)

cas-bioinf/metagenboot documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 3:58 p.m.