
Defines functions connectivity_stats_all_groups connectivity_stats_group pairwise_widest_path_distances_from_matrix connectivity_matrix_direct connectivity_matrix_direct_assymmetric

#' Asymetric direct connectivity between pair of observations:
#'     fraction of bootstrapped draws of source further from source than the target
#' Value: array with connectivy from `x` to `y` as `result[x,y]`
#' @export
connectivity_matrix_direct_assymmetric <- function(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points) {
  base_distances <-  dist(base_points, method = "euclidean") %>% as.matrix()
  n_points <- nrow(base_points)
  n_draws <- length(aligned_bootstrap_points)
  n_draws_far <- matrix(0, n_points, n_points)
  rownames(n_draws_far) <- rownames(base_points)
  colnames(n_draws_far) <- rownames(base_points)
  for(i in 1:n_draws) {
    if(nrow(base_points) == nrow(aligned_bootstrap_points[[i]])) {
      if(!is.null(rownames(base_points)) && !is.null(rownames(aligned_bootstrap_points[[i]])) &&
         !all(rownames(base_points) == rownames(aligned_bootstrap_points[[i]]))) {
        stop("Row names are inconsistent between base_points and aligned_bootstrap_points")
      points_present <- 1:n_points
    } else {
      points_present = rownames(aligned_bootstrap_points[[i]])
      if(!identical(intersect(points_present, rownames(base_points)), points_present)) {
        stop("Some points in aligned_bootstrap_points not found in base_points")
    dist_to_draws <- sqrt(rowSums((base_points[points_present,] - aligned_bootstrap_points[[i]]) ^ 2))
    for(p in points_present) {
      is_further <- dist_to_draws >= base_distances[points_present, p]
      n_draws_far[points_present,p] <- n_draws_far[points_present, p] + is_further
  n_draws_far / n_draws

#' Direct connectivity between pair: maximum of asymetric direct connectivity
#' @export
connectivity_matrix_direct <- function(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points) {
  assymetric <- connectivity_matrix_direct_assymmetric(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points)
  pmax(assymetric, t(assymetric))

pairwise_widest_path_distances_from_matrix <- function(direct) {
  n_points <- nrow(direct)

  # Modified Floyd-Warshall for widest path
  # Probably suboptimal, since I could use maximal spanning tree for this, but easiest to implement

  # Init with edges
  widest_matrix <- direct

  # 2) Main loop
  for(k in 1:n_points) {
    for(i in 1:n_points) {
      for(j in 1:n_points) {
        candidate_width <- min(widest_matrix[i,k], widest_matrix[k, j])
        widest_matrix[i, j] <- max(widest_matrix[i, j], candidate_width)


#' Connectivity betweeen pair: width of the widest path in the graph of direct connectivity
#' Connectivity for a group: minimum of connectivity between pairs across the group
#' Since widest path between any two poitns has to be completely included in the maximum spanning tree,
#' connectivity for a group can be found as
#' the minimum edge on the maximum spanning tree.
#' @export
connectivity_stats_group <- function(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points) {
  direct <- connectivity_matrix_direct(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points)

  #I am looking for maximum spanning tree, but spantree searches for minimum, hence the `1 - x` transform
  spanning_tree <- vegan::spantree(1 - direct)

  inverted_dist <- 1 - spanning_tree$dist
  min_index <- which.min(inverted_dist)
  connectivity_min = inverted_dist[min_index]

  min_parent <- spanning_tree$labels[min_index + 1]
  min_kid <- spanning_tree$labels[spanning_tree$kid[min_index]]

  all_distances <- pairwise_widest_path_distances_from_matrix(direct)

  connectivity_average <- mean(sqrt(all_distances[lower.tri(all_distances)])) ^ 2

  adjacency_matrix <- direct > 0
  n_components <- igraph::components(igraph::graph.adjacency(adjacency_matrix))$no

             connectivity_min, bottleneck_a = min_parent, bottleneck_b = min_kid)

#' @importFrom tidyr %>%
#' @export
connectivity_stats_all_groups <- function(base_points, aligned_bootstrap_points, groups) {
  get_group_indices <- function(aligned_draw, group) {
    observation_names <- intersect(rownames(base_points)[groups == group], rownames(aligned_draw))
    aligned_draw[observation_names, ]

  groups %>% unique() %>%
    purrr::map(function(g) {
      filtered_base <- base_points[groups == g, ]
      filtered_draws <- aligned_bootstrap_points %>% purrr::map(get_group_indices, group = g)
      result <- connectivity_stats_group(filtered_base, filtered_draws) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(group = g) %>% dplyr::select(group, dplyr::everything())
      result$group <- g
    }) %>%
  do.call(rbind, .)
cas-bioinf/metagenboot documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 3:58 p.m.