Man pages for caseycaprini/nfltools
nfltools: Functions for Working with nflverse Data in R

get_current_inpredictableReturns current inpredictable nfl rankings (scraped)
mvt_gameGiven game play-by-play data, returns finite time average...
mvt_seasonFor a given team and season, returns regulation time average...
mvt_sosFor a given team, returns strength of schedule measure based...
nfl_mvt_seasonReturns long data frame with time average results for each...
nfl_mvt_season_summaryReturns an aggregate summary of time average results with...
nfl_mvt_sosReturns strength of schedule measure for all teams based on...
nfl_reg_season_resultsReturns long data frame documenting final result of each...
nfl_reg_season_summaryReturns aggregate results for regular season (e.g., wins,...
pipePipe operator
team_reg_season_summaryFor a given team and data frame of regular season results...
caseycaprini/nfltools documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 7:58 p.m.