Man pages for cathblatter/shurp2018
Functions for the reporting of SHURP2018-study

create_dichoplot_tableCreate a dichotomized table of a selection of variables...
dichotomize.CAutomatically dichotomoize the C dataframes of SHURP2018
dichotomize.EAutomatically dichotomoize the E dataframes of SHURP2018
getvartextget text of variables from a specified text spreadsheet
ggBenchmarketingCreate the so-called "benchmarketing chart" for overview of...
label_dataItem labels used for params reporting
n.naget number of NAs in a vector
n.validget sum of not NAs of a vector
n.yesget number of positive answers in a vector
pipePipe operator
prop.yesget percentage of positive answers in a vector
QC_textQC-Item text data in all languages
QE_textQE-Item text data in all languages
round_dfround all numeric variables of a df according to no. of...
write_individual_reportRender individual report as PDF - this works only with...
cathblatter/shurp2018 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 11:29 a.m.