In This Vignette


This appendix contains information that doesn't fit in the other vignettes - typically miscellaneous topics or more detail on existing topics that would clutter the other vignettes.

Data Type Support

pivottabler supports any of the following data types for use either on row/column headings or as part of calculations in the cells of the pivot table:

The most common calculations based on logical, character, Date and POSIXct data types are min/max.

Formatting Options

A general introduction to formatting row/column headings can be found in the Data Groups vignette. A general introduction to formatting the results of calculations can be found in the Calculations vignette.

Four general methods are supported for formatting, depending on what is specified for the format parameter (for calculations) or dataFormat parameter (for data groups):

There are some small variations to the above, depending on the data type of the value that is being formatted:

| Value Type | character format | list format | |:-----------|:--------------------------------------------|:--------------| | integer | sprintf() | format() | | numerical | sprintf() | format() | | logical | sprintf() or custom - see note below. | N/A | | Date | sprintf() or format() - see note below. | format() | | POSIXct | sprintf() or format() - see note below. | format() | | character | N/A | N/A |

Formatting logical values when format is a character value:

Formatting Date or POSIXct values when format is a character value:

Some examples of specifying formatting:

| Value Type | character format | list format | |:-----------|:------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------| | integer | "%i" e.g. 12 | list(digits=4, nsmall=2) e.g. 123.00 | | numerical | "%.1f" e.g. 12.3 | list(digits=4, nsmall=2) e.g. 12.35 | | logical | c("No", "Yes", "N/A") e.g. Yes | N/A | | Date | "%d %b %Y" e.g. 04 Mar 2012 | list("%d %b %Y") e.g. 04 Mar 2012 | | POSIXct | "%d %b %Y %H:%M" e.g. 04 Mar 2012 17:15 | list("%d %b %Y %H:%M") e.g. 04 Mar 2012 17:15 | | character | N/A | N/A |

Setting Defaults

Sometimes the same parameter value is specified multiple times when adding data groups, e.g. addTotal=FALSE.

pt <- PivotTable$new()
pt$addColumnDataGroups("TrainCategory", addTotal=FALSE)
pt$addRowDataGroups("TOC", addTotal=FALSE)
pt$addRowDataGroups("PowerType", addTotal=FALSE)
pt$addRowDataGroups("SchedSpeedMPH", addTotal=FALSE)
pt$defineCalculation(calculationName="TotalTrains", summariseExpression="n()")

To make the script more succinct, it is possible to specify this as a default:

pt <- PivotTable$new()
pt$defineCalculation(calculationName="TotalTrains", summariseExpression="n()")

This produces the same output as above.

Defaults can be set for the following functions and parameters:

| pt$addColumnDataGroups() | pt$addRowDataGroups() | |:---------------------------|:---------------------------| | addTotal | addTotal | | expandExistingTotals | expandExistingTotals | | visualTotals | visualTotals | | totalPosition | totalPosition | | totalCaption | totalCaption | | | outlineBefore | | | outlineAfter | | | outlineTotal |

Once set using pt$setDefault(), the defaults will be automatically used for all arguments listed above except outlineBefore, outlineAfter and outlineTotal. For these three, they must be activated by specifying an argument value of TRUE when calling pt$addRowDataGroups(), e.g. outlineBefore=TRUE.

Handling Illegal Variable Names

pivottabler supports working with illegal data frame column names and illegal calculation names (e.g. including spaces or symbols such as dash, plus, dollar, etc).

Illegal names must be wrapped in back-ticks in summarise expressions and calculation expressions.

pt$addColumnDataGroups("Sale Item")
pt$defineCalculation(calculationName="Total Sales",
                     summariseExpression="sum(`Sale Amount`)")
pt$defineCalculation(type="calculation", basedOn=c("Total Sales", "Sale Count"),  
                     format="%.1f", calculationName="Avg Sale Amount", 
                     calculationExpression="values$`Total Sales`/values$`Sale Count`")

Output of NA, NaN, -Inf and Inf

The pt$getHtml(...), pt$saveHtml(...), pt$renderPivot(...), pt$getLatex(...) and pt$writeToExcelWorksheet(...) functions all support an exportOptions list parameter that provides control over how NA, NaN, -Inf and Inf values in R are output.

skipNegInf=TRUE, skipPosInf=TRUE, skipNA=TRUE, skipNaN=TRUE specify that these values are exported as blanks.

exportNegInfAs="-Infinity",exportPosInfAs="Infinity",exportNAAs="No Data",exportNaNAs="Not a Number" specify alternative values to output.

Example of exporting a pivot table using the default values and replaced values:

someData <- data.frame(Colour=c("Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "White", "Black"),
                       SomeNumber=c(1, 2, NA, NaN, -Inf, Inf))
pt <- PivotTable$new()
pt$defineCalculation(calculationName="Total", summariseExpression="sum(SomeNumber)")
pt$renderPivot(exportOptions=list(skipNegInf=TRUE, skipPosInf=TRUE, skipNA=TRUE, skipNaN=TRUE))
pt$renderPivot(exportOptions=list(exportNegInfAs="-Infinity", exportPosInfAs="Infinity",
                                  exportNAAs="Nothing", exportNaNAs="Not a Number"))

Styling Reference

For an overview of styling pivot tables see the Styling vignette.

The table below details the common styling properties that are supported.

When outputting to HTML, any valid CSS styling can be used, even if not listed below.

When outputting to Excel, only the styling properties listed below are supported - either the CSS or XL properties can be used - see the Excel Export vignette for more information.

| CSS Property | XL Property | XL Example | Notes | |:-------------------|:--------------------|:------------------------|:-------------------------------------------| | font-family | xl-font-name | Arial | Only the first CSS font is used in Excel. | | font-size | xl-font-size | 12 | In Points (4-72). See below for CSS units.| | font-weight | xl-bold | normal or bold | XL bold is CSS font-weight >= 600. | | font-style | xl-italic | normal or italic | italic and oblique map to italic. | | text-decoration | xl-underline | normal or underline | | | text-decoration | xl-strikethrough | normal or strikethrough | | | background-color | xl-fill-color | #FF0000 | See below for supported CSS colours. | | color | xl-text-color | #00FF00 | See below for supported CSS colours. | | text-align | xl-h-align | left or center or right | | | vertical-align | xl-v-align | top or middle or bottom | | | white-space | xl-wrap-text | normal or wrap | | | | xl-text-rotation | 90 | 0 to 359, or 255 for vertical text. | | | xl-indent | 20 | 0 to 250. | | border | xl-border | thin black | See below for supported CSS border values. | | border-left | xl-border-left | thin black | See below for supported CSS border values. | | border-right | xl-border-right | thin black | See below for supported CSS border values. | | border-top | xl-border-top | thin black | See below for supported CSS border values. | | border-bottom | xl-border-bottom | thin black | See below for supported CSS border values. | | | xl-min-column-width | 50 | 0 to 255. | | | xl-min-row-height | 45 | 0 to 400. | | | xl-value-format | #,###.00 | See notes below for full details. |

Excel Output Restrictions:

Note that the following CSS properties are NOT supported when outputting to Excel:

Further Reading

The full set of vignettes is:

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Groups
  3. Calculations
  4. Regular Layout
  5. Outputs
  6. Latex Output
  7. Styling
  8. Finding and Formatting
  9. Cell Context
  10. Navigating a Pivot Table
  11. Irregular Layout
  12. Performance
  13. Excel Export
  14. Shiny
  15. Appendix: Details
  16. Appendix: Calculations
  17. Appendix: Class Overview

cbailiss/pivottabler documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 9:38 a.m.