Man pages for cboettig/bs-tipping
Bifurcation or State Tipping in a Trophic Cascade Experiment

calcRoot_FCalculate the Roots of F
dFJ_dt_1stateTemporal dynamics of F or J
dU_dFChange in F temporal dynamics wrt F
ecoStepEcosystem Step
findCritHarvFind Critical Values
fishStepFish Step
fishStep2DTwo-dimensional fish time step
fs2DWrapper for model when finding stability properties
getRootGet the Root of the Fish Model
getRoot2DGet the Root of the Fish Model in 2D
getRoot2D_dfGet the Root of the Trophic Cascade Model from a Data Frame
getRoot5DGet the Root of the Full Ecosystem Model in 5D
phasePortraitPhase Portrait
stabClassStability Classification
stateMotionEquations of Motion
cboettig/bs-tipping documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:08 a.m.