Man pages for cboettig/contenturi
An Interface for Content-Based Identifiers

content_dircontent store home directory
content_idGenerate a content uri for a local file
default_lmdbdefault location for LMDB registry
default_registriesdefault registries
history_swhreturn the history of archive events of a given software...
history_urlList all content identifiers that have been seen at a given...
pinAccess the latest content at a URL (DEPRECATED)
purge_cachePurge older files from the local cache.
queryquery a Content URI or a URL with remote and/or local...
registerregister a URL with remote and/or local registries
resolveResolve content from a content identifier
retrieveRetrieve files from the local cache
retrieve_swhretrieve content from Software Heritage given a content...
sourcesList all known URL sources for a given Content URI
sources_swhList software heritage sources for a content identifier
storeStore files in a local cache
store_swhAdd content to the Software Heritage Archival Store
swh_ratelimitsoftware heritage rate limit
cboettig/contenturi documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 10:37 a.m.