
ReScience C Submission for [Re] Fluctuation Domains

This directory contains the RMarkdown Dynamic Document sources, [article.Rmd], for generating this reproducible reproduction. A number of LaTeX template files and font files taken from the ReScience C template have been included, and the Rmarkdown file will use these to generate the pdf automatically when rendered (e.g. with the knit) button in RStudio, or merely run make. The template Makefile has been adapted as well. This requires R be installed, along with the rmarkdown package and the original R package (fluctuationDomains) contained in this repository root.

When the RMarkdown is built (rendered), it will re-runs all computation required for both simulations and generation of figures. To facilitate faster rendering, computational results will be cached in article_cache following the standard RMarkdown approach. Simply delete this directory to re-generate results from scratch, or run make clean.


For a submission, fill in information in metadata.yaml, modify content.tex and type:

$ make 

This will produce an article.pdf using xelatex and provided font. Note that you must have Python 3 and PyYAML installed on your computer, in addition to make.

After acceptance, you'll need to complete metadata.yaml with information provided by the editor and type again:

$ make

cboettig/fluctuationDomains documentation built on Sept. 19, 2020, 9:42 p.m.