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  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = NA,
  fig.path = "README-"


The goal of nexld is to serialize NeXML xml data into JSON-LD.


You can install nexld from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Heads up!

Package is in purely exploratory stage at this time, function api likely to change.


Let's convert a simple NeXML file into JSON-LD:

ex <- system.file("extdata/example.xml", package = "nexld")
json <- xml_to_json(ex)
tmp <- tempfile()
json_to_xml(json, tmp)

Obviously this is just a preliminary mapping to start discussion. The convention is relatively self-explanatory.

  1. Repeated nodes (edge, otu etc) are replaced by a list of such nodes.
  2. meta elements are collapsed into namespaced properties
  3. A @context is constructed from the xmlns namespaces
  4. Tweaks for tidy JSON-LD:
  5. XML comment nodes are dropped. Round trip will not restore these.
  6. about attributes are dropped (as they are redundant to the nesting in JSON-LD). Round trip should restore these.

Why would we want to do this?

Linked-Data NeXML

The NeXML standard is only half-semantic, in that metadata (in RDFa-style meta elements) can be serialized to RDF (e.g. via an XSLT stylesheet), but the actual NeXML data cannot.

cboettig/nexld documentation built on Sept. 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.