Man pages for cboettig/socialR
Social functions for R

flickr.urlDefine the flickr uploader method using Rflickr
gfm_tablePrint a table in github-flavored markdown
hook_plot_flickr_shortcodeCreate a hook that inserts my wordpress shortcode
hook_plot_html_wrapperdefine a wrapper to make a generic url image method html...
hook_plot_md_wrapperdefine a wrapper to make a generic url image method markdown...
notebook.urlUpload file to the notebook and return the full url
post_wordpressA function that reads posts a file to wordpress
render_wordpressA function to set the wordpress rendering environment with...
wordpress.urlDefine the wordpress uploader method.
cboettig/socialR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:11 p.m.