Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs or NOTEs on win-builder (development or release)

The local Windows check gave 1 NOTE; this is expected because Lahman is a large annually released data package:

checking installed package size installed size is 6.3Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: data 5.5Mb [All data files were compressed using the maximum known compression tools::resaveRdaFiles(outdir, compress="xz", compression_level=9)]

Added LazyDataCompression: xz to the DESCRPITION file, which should prevent this on CRAN

Reverse dependencies

Lahman has reverse dependencies of the following packages:

devtools::revdep("Lahman") [1] "baseballDBR" "broom" "dados" "datos" "dbplyr" "dplyr" [7] "ibawds" "implyr" "mdsr" "" "raw" "sparklyr" [13] "teamcolors"

revdepcheck results

We checked 14 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.


This is an annual release, updating the data tables to the 2022 baseball season.

cdalzell/Lahman documentation built on May 9, 2023, 6:08 a.m.