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helprr: Convenience functions for data preparation and summarization

This package includes a set of convenience functions for data preparation and summarization.


elements counts the number of elements in a data.frame, matrix, or vector.

fix.missing takes in a vector and a missing code (e.g., "-99", "-999") and returns a vector with missing items coded as NA.

mode returns the modal value of a vector.

percents turns a vector of proportions into percentages.

rescale01 rescales a vector so its elements fall between 0 and 1. rescale0100 does the same but for a range from 0 to 100.

s takes in a data frame and returns several statistics: mean, median, standard deviation, mean absolute deviation, and the interquartile range.

Package Installation

The latest development version on GitHub can be installed using devtools.


Support or Contact

Having trouble with helprr? Please email Charles Crabtree and he'll help you sort it out.

cdcrabtree/helprr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:20 p.m.