Man pages for cddesja/REPM
Companion package to Handbook of Educational Measurement and Psychometrics Using R.

bollen_plotBollen Influential Cases Plot
fa.parallel.repmParallel analysis engine based on psych code
free_paramsCalculate the number of estimated parameters
HSQHumor Styles Questionnaire
interestFabricated cognitive, personality, and vocational interest...
latticePAParallel analysis plot via lattice
latticeScreeScree plot via lattice
rseThe Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
RSEThe Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
SAPASynthetic Aperture Personality Assessment
swtable11Item Scores on Eight Items from the CTBS Science Achievement...
teacherItem Scores on Eight Items from the CTBS Science Achievement...
unique_elementsCalculate number of unique elements in a covariance matrix
wiscsemWISC-R scores on 175 children
writing.dataHypothetical writing prompt example
cddesja/REPM documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:21 p.m.