CATkit-package: Chronomics Analysis Toolkit (CAT): Analyze Periodicity

Description Details Author(s)

Description This package contains functions that can be used to identify periodicities in time series data. The two calls are: CATCosinor runs various forms of a cosinor function. This technique is a regression using cosine curves to identify the period, MESOR, amplitude and phase of sinusoidal rhythms in time series data. CatCall can run the following time series analysis functions: Smooth, Actogram, AutoCorr, CrossCorr.


Detailed installation instructions and sample runs (vignettes) can be found at


Cathy Lee Gierke, Germaine Cornelissen-Guillaume, John A Lindgren

Maintainer: <>

cdeterman/CATkit documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:34 p.m.