Man pages for cdmuir/photosynthesis
Tools for Plant Ecophysiology & Modeling

analyze_sensitivityRunning 2-parameter sensitivity analyses
aq_responseNon-rectangular hyperbolic model of light responses
A_supplyCO2 supply and demand function (mol / m^2 s)
bakeLeaf parameter temperature responses
baked-classS3 class baked
bake_parS3 class bake_par
calculated-parametersGet default functions for calculated parameters in...
CO2_conductanceConductance to CO2 (mol / m^2 / s)
compile_dataCompiling outputs from lists
compute_sensitivityComputing measures of sensitivity
constantsS3 class constants
enviro_parS3 class enviro_par
fit_aci_responseFitting ACi curves
fit_aq_responseFitting light responses of net CO2 assimilation
fit_aq_response2Fit photosynthetic light-response curves
fit_g_mc_variableJFitting mesophyll conductance with the variable J method
fit_gs_modelFitting stomatal conductance models
fit_hydra_vuln_curveFitting hydraulic vulnerability curves
fit_manyFitting many functions across groups
fit_photosynthesisFit photosynthetic models with gas-exchange data
fit_PV_curveFitting pressure-volume curves
fit_r_lightEstimating light respiration
fit_r_light2Fit models to estimate light respiration (R_\mathrm{d})
fit_t_responseFitting temperature responses
FvCBFarquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry (FvCB) C3 photosynthesis model
gs_modelsStomatal conductance models
JJ: Rate of electron transport (umol/m^2/s)
j_calculationsInverse non-rectangular hyperbola for J_max calculation
leaf_parS3 class leaf_par
make_parametersMake lists of parameters for 'photosynthesis'
modelsGet default model
parameter_namesGet vector of parameter names
photo_parametersInput parameters to simulate C3 photosynthesis using...
photosynthesisSimulate C3 photosynthesis
photosynthesis-package'photosynthesis' package
ppm2paConvert pressure from PPM to Pascals
print_graphsPrinting graphs to system
read_li6800Read a LI-COR file
read_licorRead a LI-COR file
required_variablesVariables required for *photosynthesis* models
simulate_errorSimulate gas exchange data with measurement error
t_functionsTemperature response functions
cdmuir/photosynthesis documentation built on March 5, 2024, 9:26 a.m.