Man pages for cedricbatailler/JSmediation
Mediation Analysis Using Joint Significance

add_indexAdds an indirect effect index to a fitted mediation model
add_index.moderated_mediationadd_index method for moderated mediation
add_index.simple_mediationadd_index method for simple mediation
add_index.within_participant_mediationadd_index method for within-participant mediation
apastylrCreates an APA formatted report from a significance test
build_contrastBuilds a contrast code from character vector
check_assumptionsTest assumptions for models underlying the mediation
compute_indirect_effect_forCompute the indirect effect index for a specific value of the...
display_modelsDisplays models from a mediation object
dohle_siegristDohle and Siegrist (2014, Exp 1) illustrating within-subject...
dohle_siegrist_wideDohle and Siegrist (2014, Exp 1) illustrating within-subject...
extract_modelExtracts a single model from a mediation_model object
extract_modelsExtracts models from a mediation_model object
extract_tidy_modelsExtracts models from a mediation object as a data frame
ho_et_alData set showing simple and moderated mediation analysis
mdt_moderatedFits a moderated mediation model
mdt_simpleJoint-significance test for simple mediation
mdt_withinJoint-significance test for within-participant mediation
mdt_within_wideJoint-significance test for simple mediation (wide-format...
pipePipe operator
plot_assumptionsReturns diagnostic plots for the linear model used in a...
print.indirect_indexPrint method for object of class 'indirect_index'
print.mediation_modelPrint method for object of class 'mediation_model'
standardize_variableStandardize variables in a data set.
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
cedricbatailler/JSmediation documentation built on March 4, 2024, 12:52 p.m.