Equitable R Package to run the equitable transform on two dimensional data sets

Elphinstone, C. and Henry, G. (Ecosphere, 2019) show the multipurpose uses for the equitable transform. Functions useful for analysing two dimensional data sets are included in this package. A two dimensional data set (d) is transformed via Td<-transformE(d) and a variety of matrices associated with the equitable transform is placed in Td. An example signal data set can be made via d<-eg4(2,2) (or other "eg?" type functions: see manual) and noise can be added to make a noisy 2D data set (d_noise) in a variety of ways as seen in the R script Short Examples.R. If Td and Td_noise are the results from running transformE then plotsummary(Td_noise,Td), plotsummary(Td) and plotsummary(Td_noise) summarize and plot information about the two transformations.

To install the package "Equitable", first install the package devtools. Then in R use:



install_github("celphin/Equitable") #to install the package

library(Equitable) # to load the package

??Equitable #for more information on the functions

eg4(1,1) # to see one example dataset

Some suporting files are found here:

celphin/Equitable-Project/Equitable_Manual.pdf is a pdf containing a manual of the basic functions used for constructing an equitable transform from a 2 dimensional data set. For each function, examples are given to illustrate the use of the function.

celphin/Equitable-Project/temperatures.txt contains the temperature records from Alexandra fiord used in the paper Elphinstone and Henry (Ecosphere, submitted 2019). After reading this file into R into a variable d and installing the Equitable transform package, one can runTd<-transformE(d) and plotsummary(Td) to get information on these temperture data.

celphin/Equitable-Project/Dryas_Phenology_1998_Site_Willow.txt contains Dryas phenology data from 1998 at Willow site at Alexandra Fiord. Used in the paper Elphinstone and Henry (Ecosphere, submitted 2019).

The files Short Examples.R and Examples.R in Equitable-Project show other examples of how the tranfrom can be used on 2D data sets. You can use your own real data or make simulated data. Short Examples.R shows how you can make your own noisy NA filled data sets in order to experiment with the transform (using the function transformE in the package).

celphin/Equitable documentation built on Jan. 23, 2023, 11:02 p.m.