Man pages for cghaase/GARPTools
Tools for GARP Data Prep and Model Evaluation

aucGARPArea Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve...
aucRatioRatio of Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic...
carolinas_boundaryState boundary of North and South Carolina, United States
centroidReturns centroid coordinates of raster cells containing...
checkDataCheck that input points overlap with input rasters
commissionGARPCalculates commission metrics of model outputs
confuseMatrixCalculates the confusion matrix
env_layersEnvironmental layers from WorldClim
extractRulesPull rulesets created by GARP
findModRulesPull rulesets created by GARP
getMedMinMaxPull rulesets created by GARP
nc_boundaryState boundary of North Carolina, United States
omissionGARPCalculates omission metrics of model outputs
plotRangePlots the rescaled median ranges for environment variables
plotROCPlots the Receiver Operating Charactersitic (ROC) Curve
prevalenceCalculate the prevalence of each environmental covariate in...
rasterPrepPrepares input rasters for GARP
rescaleRescales environmental variables from 0 to 1
seAUCCalculates the standard error of the AUC
splitDataSplits presence locations into training and testing data sets...
sumRastersSums rasters of the best subset models output from GARP
tasks_layersESRI output grids from a single GARP experiment
totPresRulesGet the total number of dominant presence rules in the...
unimportIdxCalculates the unimportance index of each environmental...
wGARPCalculates the Wilcoxon test statistic
wtdeer_dfExample white-tailed deer GPS locations
wtdeer_locationsSpatial data of white-tailed deer GPS locations
zAUCCalculates the z-score associated with the AUC
cghaase/GARPTools documentation built on Aug. 6, 2021, 6:38 a.m.