Man pages for chaolinzhanglab/splicescope

beta.predictpredict neuronal maturation with all module exons using beta...
extreme.replaceReplace 0 and 1 in splicing matrix with appoximate value
get.disCalculate distance between reference sample and predicated...
get.dis.rbpCalculate distance between reference sample and predicated...
get.htmldfgenerate html for data frame
get.modulematOutput module exons matrix with or without subtraction of...
knn.flex.regKNN predictor
maturation.predictPipeline function for neuronal prediction
na.replaceReplace NA values with mean of reference sample
output2htmlgenerate html file
pcaplotPlot PCA scatter plot using ggplot2
prefilterFilter module exons by ID
rbp.beta.predictpredict neuronal maturation with all module exons using beta...
rbp.predictPipeline function for neuronal prediction with RBP sepcific...
submedianGet matrix subtracted by second matrix's median
chaolinzhanglab/splicescope documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:54 a.m.