Man pages for chariff/cytometree
Automated Cytometry Gating and Annotation

AnnotationAnnotates cell populations found using CytomeTree.
BinaryTreeBuilds a binary tree.
bootstrapCIBootstrapped Confidence Interval.
CytEME-M algorithm.
CytomeTreeBinary tree algorithm for cytometry data analysis.
cytometree-packageBinary tree algorithm for cytometry data analysis.
DLBCLDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma data set from the FlowCAP-I...
FmeasureCC++ implementation of the F-measure computation
FmeasureC_no0C++ implementation of the F-measure computation without the...
GaussMixBi-modal normal mixture distribution.
GaussMix2tri-modal normal mixture distribution.
HIPCHIPC T cell data set from HIPC program, patient 12828. The...
KmeansOPTFinds the partition which minimize the within-leaves sum of...
LeavesCentersComputes means of leaves given cytomeTreeObj.
LeavesMediansComputes medians of leaves given cytomeTreeObj.
Partition2grComputes N-1 possible partitions of ordered N into 2 subsets.
Partition3grComputes (N-1)*(N-2) possible partitions of N into 3 subsets.
plot_cytopopPlot the cell count for each population using CytomeTree.
plot_graphPlot the binary tree built using CytomeTree.
plot_nodesPlot the distribution of the observed cells at each node of...
RetrievePopsRetrieve cell populations found using Annotation.
TreeAnnotReturns the underlying annotation given a tree pattern.
chariff/cytometree documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:57 a.m.