convert_odg: Converter Function from Odg to Other Formats

View source: R/odg_graphics.R

convert_odgR Documentation

Converter Function from Odg to Other Formats


The conversion is done using the tool returned by get_odg_prog_path(). The current version of this function is not vectorized, hence the arguments can only be single odg-files in ps_odg_path and single formats in ps_out_format. The conversion is only done, if the result file does not exist or if the result file has an older modification time as found by file.mtime().


convert_odg(ps_odg_path, ps_out_format)



path to odg file to be converted


output format into which ps_odg_path should be converted to

charlotte-ngs/rmdhelp documentation built on Oct. 31, 2023, 10:21 a.m.