Man pages for chartgerink/statcheckTEMP
Extract statistics from articles and recompute p values

checkdirExtract test statistics from all HTML and PDF files in a...
checkHTMLExtract test statistics from HTML file.
checkHTMLdirExtract test statistics from all HTML files in a folder.
checkPDFExtract statistics and recompute p-values from pdf files.
checkPDFdirExtract statistics and recompute p values from a directory...
diagnoseDiagnose the most likely cause why a p value is inconsistent...
identify.statcheckIdentify specific points in a 'statcheck' plot.
plot.statcheckPlot method for "statcheck"
print.diagnosePrint diagnose output.
statcheckExtract statistics and recompute p-values.
statcheck-packageExtract statistics from articles and recompute p values
summary.statcheckSummary method for 'statcheck'.
chartgerink/statcheckTEMP documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:37 p.m.