Man pages for chasemc/electricShine
Create distributable Shiny Electron apps

construct_mran_urlConstruct MRAN url if snapshot date provided
copy_electricshine_packageCopy electricShine package to an isolated folder. This is...
copy_remotes_packageCopy remotes package to an isolated folder. This is...
copy_templateCopy Electron boilerplate into app_root_path
create_build_directoryCreate a directory for creating the new app and copy template...
create_folderCreate an output folder
create_package_jsonCreate the package.json file for npm
dot-check_archCheck if compatible architecture
dot-check_build_path_existsCheck whether build path exists
dot-check_node_worksCheck if Node works
dot-check_npm_worksCheck if npm works
dot-check_package_providedCheck package paths
dot-check_repo_setCheck that a repo for packages/R was set
dot-download_rDownload R installer given its url
dot-find_win_exe_urlFind Windows R installer URL from MRAN snapshot
dot-install_mac_rDownload and untar mac R into app folder
dot-install_win_rInstall R for Windows at given path
dot-ping_urlCheck internet connection
dot-prompt_install_nodejsPrompt whether nodejs can be installed or not
dot-prompt_install_rPrompt whether R can be installed or not
get_osGet operating system
install_nodejsInstall Node.js
install_packageInstall from isolated lib
install_rInstall R from MRAN date into electricShine folder
install_user_appInstall shiny app package and dependencies
modify_background_jsModify background.js to include the call to the shiny app
modify_mac_rChange fixed paths to make R portable on Mac
run_build_releaseCreate an electron-builder release
system_install_pkgsRun package installation using the newly-installed R
trim_rRemove html and pdf files from R installation
write_textWrite to a file
chasemc/electricShine documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 8:50 a.m.